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Kaiju Kingz

About Kaiju Kingz

Kaiju Kingz was spawned from the mind of CyberKongz holder and community member, OhDots, under his newly founded company: Augminted Labs. KaijuKingz hopes to expand its community with synergistic mechanics that foster competition and collaboration between Web3 communities. The collection started with a mint of 3,333 Genesis Kaijuz, each granting its holder access to special perks and accesses. Genesis Kaijuz passively generate Radioactive Waste, which can be used to create Baby Kaijuz. Although Baby Kaijuz require DNA from two separate Genesis Kaijuz to be created, they do not inherit traits from them. Instead, Baby Kaijuz mutate traits of their own, and can even be born with belly and spike colors that are different from their body colors.

Standing larger than life in a 69×69 pixel square, Kaijuz have a wide variety of traits, types, and different aesthetics. Holding a Genesis Kaiju will reserve you a throne as a King of the Metaverse. Kaijuz will eventually break out of their 69×69 containers to become fully 3D voxelized versions of themselves which can traverse around the metaverse.

  • 3333 Avatars
  • Ethereum Blockchain
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Trading Volume

  • 7 Day Total: ETH
  • 7 Day Avg Price: ETH
  • Total Volume: ETH