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Bored Ape Yacht Club

About Bored Ape Yacht Club

The Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) is a collection of 10,000 unique Bored Ape digital collectibles. Your Bored Ape doubles as your Yacht Club membership card, granting access to exclusive member-only benefits.

Launched in April 2021 by Yuga Labs, the exclusivity and community collaboration keeps BAYC as a sought after NFT for most collectors. Private live events, merchandise drops and access to THE BATHROOM, a collaborative graffiti board are some of the few experiences owners can partake in. BAYC revealed their second collection known as the Mutant Ape Yacht Club in August 2021 after they rewarded BAYC holders with free airdrops of “mutant serum” vials, allowing them to mutate their Ape’s to create a whole new collection. BAYC offers full IP ownership rights.

  • 10000 Avatars
  • Ethereum Blockchain
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Latest message: 2 years, 2 months ago
Operator : Welcome to the chat room!2022-07-08 12:02:56
atarem : Just dropping in to say hi2022-07-08 12:14:34
atarem : Interesting..2022-07-08 12:14:41
atarem : I see you2022-07-08 12:14:45
shadowhorn : this is a test2022-07-08 20:17:02
shadowhorn : if there is a 200 character limit, how many characters can be typed to display? what would it look like? let's find out. peter piper picked a patch of pickled peppers. or something like that... done?2022-07-08 20:18:20
0xad4b39f0e874c60aad : I see you too2022-07-09 09:21:33

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shadowhorn.eth: dope project
shitoshinakamoto.eth: so I right click and?
WAGMI| 05/50

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  • 7 Day Total: ETH
  • 7 Day Avg Price: ETH
  • Total Volume: ETH